

30 MAR / 04:00 Goethe-Institut Georgien

The Cultural and Social Narratives Laboratory (Armenia) and the Culture and Management Lab (Georgia) invite you to the event Re-lentus: Women at the Crossroads of Art and Advocacy. During the meeting the representatives of the cultural, art, and human rights spheres from Armenia will share their experiences regarding their path towards the change, the challenges they face and many more issues. Presentations will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session.
Attendance is free and does not require any preliminary registration.
The fields of art and culture are deeply affected by the recently unfolded life-changing events in Armenia and Georgia ranging between a devastating war and political crisis to cultural protests and pandemics. Despite these obstacles, the artists, cultural workers, and activists continued their creative work reflecting on the present situation and the ways of future scenarios. The cultural workers and artists and among them specifically the women and other vulnerable social groups became direct subject to suffering during this period. The project and the meetings with its invited participants from Armenia and Georgia offer an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the female representatives of the creative realm including the relentless spirit they maintained during their endeavors despite all odds.
During the event which will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia on March 30, 2022, three Armenian female artists and cultural workers will share with the Georgian audience their experiences of working in the times of crisis. Later they will engage in discussion and answer the questions of the audience.
The speakers representing different spheres include Nazik Armenakian (photographer), Lucine Talalyan (visual artist) and Sona Kalantaryan (cultural researcher).
During the event, CSN Lab will also present its recent publication The Gender Analysis of Cultural Field in Armenia.
Nazik Armenakyan is a renowned Armenian photographer and a winner of several international awards. She participated in many local and international group exhibitions in Armenia, USA, China, Hong Kong, India, Russia. In 2009 Nazik has been awarded the Grand Prix and the First Place in the People and Faces category from the Karl Bulla International Photo Contest for her project Survivors. Her photographs have been published in The New York Times Lens blog, Der Spiegel, Politiken, Eurasianet, and the other local and international media outlets. She is one of the founders of the 4Plus NGO that aims at developing documentary photography in Armenia and empowering of female artists through photography.
lucine talalyan is a visual artist born in Armenia in 1975 and one of the founding members of the Queering Yerevan Collective. She has participated in the residencies and shows in Georgia, France, Sweden, Germany, and Austria. Her work in diverse media including film (post DIY), photography (series Be Careful… Before Entering), and visual book design (Queered: What’s to Be Done with Centric Art?) explores history and memory, visibility and invisibility, and the cracks and fissures between the social and the personal realms.
Sona Kalantaryan is a cultural researcher and a co-founder of the Cultural and Social Narratives Laboratory NGO. For several years, her main research focused on the role of women in memory narrativization, urban feminism, feminist geography, women’s experience in the city. Her earlier research was related to the issues of female authors and the anxiety of authorship in the Soviet and contemporary Armenian literature. She co-authored several books on urban topics and the Gender Analysis of Cultural Field in Armenia.

The project is supported by the Danish Cultural Institute through the New Democracy Fund.
The overall objective of the New Democracy Fund is to strengthen democratic organization of the civil society, build regional networking and people-to-people exchange of experiences, amongst civil society organizations in Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Denmark.

The event is hosted by the Goethe Institut Georgien.

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